Deleted post: bank?
Hello everyone! I am new to Sakugabooru, in every sense of the word "new", and a few days ago I uploaded some videos, both of which were deleted for good reasons, however, in one of the comments about why the video was deleted, they added the word "bank"
I don't know how to translate this (I don't speak English natively and the traduction makes no sence), so I don't know how to interpret it, if they sent me to the bench to sit down (not literally, obviously) for my error (lol) or it means something else. I am still learning how to upload the videos correctly and I do not want that for small but repetitive errors, they will ban me, so that´s why I ask this question, to be clear for next time. Greetings to all.

P.S. Sorry if i wrote someting wrong
"Bank" just means that it is reused footage, it was probably featured in another upload for the show in question is all, and they are explaining that that is part of their reason for deleting the upload. You aren't in trouble, don't worry.
Reign_Of_Floof said:
"Bank" just means that it is reused footage, it was probably featured in another upload for the show in question is all, and they are explaining that that is part of their reason for deleting the upload. You aren't in trouble, don't worry.
Thank you for the answer!! I feel more relieved.