My post was deleted, but I'm unsure if it was a good enough reason
"Reason: scuffed quality + not very special . MD5: 270c6bf941a718cf5e3cab1e8acb22d2"

My video:

What does it mean; "not very special"? This video has more animation than post #148596
Also what does "scuffed quality" mean? Every post is required to be 480p
The frames were stuttering - it was most clearly seen during the part where the camera pans up.
Ajay said:
The frames were stuttering - it was most clearly seen during the part where the camera pans up.
Really? It doesn't seem stuttery to me. Wasn't it just how the animation was playing out?
Alright. I think I fixed the "stuttering" issue. I made my recording software record 60 fps instead of 24 fps. Do you think this is better?
You should never be using recording software for your clips, let alone interpolating anything to 60fps. There are some recommended tools over here in the forums, though if you know what you're doing I personally recommend Staxrip because the ability to do frame-perfect cutting visually is very helpful.

And while we're at it, you should also not be drawing comparisons between different uploads because each production has its own set of circumstances, and "amount of movement" is not the only (not even the most important) factor here.
kViN said:
"let alone interpolating anything to 60fps."
I didn't interpolate anything. My PC runs at 60 fps, and the episode is 24 fps. So I assumed because I made my recording software record at 24 fps to match the episodes frame rate that it lost some frames because of some delay idk. So the episode is still 24 fps, it's just the video is being recorded at 60 fps.

kViN said:
"not be drawing comparisons between different uploads"
"and "amount of movement" is not the only (not even the most important) factor here"
I mainly compared due to the "not very special" reason. And I know the amount of movement is not the important part of it, but it's just that the post I compared to is mainly like 0.5 seconds of animation looped into 5 seconds but idk

But thanks tho. I'll try out the software you recommended and try again.