API access to /history endpoint
Can we please have API access to the https://www.sakugabooru.com/history section? I want to scrape metadata, tags and artists from from all posts, but since the posts are continuously being edited, I need my database to constantly keep updating itself as well. But continuously scraping the site for updated tags would be a very bad idea. So after the initial post scraping is done, I just want to scrape the history page and keep updating my database. But unfortunately there's no API for /history as of now. Scraping the raw html might not be a good long term solution. It would be great if /history is added in the API. If you scrape the site as well, would you mind sharing how you handle the history section or tag updates?

Also, what is the rate limit for usual scraping? As in, how many usual http GET requests can I send per minute/second without getting throttled by the system?