Downloading production materials from twitter
I’m curious at how you guys download production materials from Twitter (particularly videos and gifs) and attempt to get around their horrible compression quality. I know there’s an bajillion sites and download bots, but I don’t trust them to do it with any semblance of quality. Also, does anyone have any tips for converting gifs to MP4 so they can be uploaded? I'm having issues keeping the original frame rate
If you can figure out how to use yt-dlp, that's going to be your best friend when it comes to grabbing media from twitter and a whole lot more places. It's got its quirks for sure (as do sites like Youtube, I was fiddling with it to grab their new Premium 1080p encodes with my own cookies and some feeds just refuse to work) but it's still the most reliable.
Thanks! Yeah, I'll try that. I've not really done anything command line or coding before though, so that'll be... interesting.
Oh my god, i dunno if it's any good but someone built a GUI for yt-dlp
It works like magic, awesome! It's simple and stupid easy
Was not aware that there was one, but yeah that seems like a good way to make it more manageable.