Great resource! But where is the sound?
Hello, I recently found this very nice Booru. Great approach and very useful for finding high-quality video clips.

One things that surprised me was, the lack of sound in any of the clips. Even in this one (, the browser controls seem to indicate sound (I can lower and raise the volume), but I can hear no sound no matter what I do.

I was just wondering if this was done intentionally or whatever.
The focus is on the animation, so no need for sound. The volume controls are baked into the video player.
Sound would also get the website immediately copyright striked into oblivion
That's why it's called SAKUGAbooru, not Ongakubooru.

But fr, the more logical reason is that moebooru sites are not able to handle videos with a lot of space on them, with the limit being way less than 100mb. This is especially apparent when sources that are high in quality have sound to boot, taking up more space, so to counteract it, along with other legal reasons (especially since companies are more defensive of even BGM), sound is removed.
As mentioned, the site is focused on animation, and adding sound would probably cause more copyright issues. I don't think storage was a factor (480p videos on the booru can reach 5,000 kb/s versus ~128 kb/s for the average streaming audio track).

Also, I'm not sure if this is something that was taken into account when the site was created (it was probably just these 2 reasons above), but a lot of posts on the site are edited so that the animation flows better (even if the site tends to move away from this, it can be useful when the cuts of an artist are sandwiched between other cuts), so it would give very odd results on these posts.
Cool, thanks. It is a great approach. I am floored at the variety of videos, even of stuff from 40~ years ago. I kept thinking of something that was so esoteric that it couldn't possibly be here, and lo and behold, a dozen really interesting clips appear. Good job!