Space Dandy Vol.10 Genga(Key Animation) Sequences
I'm currently downloading Vol.10 raws from Perfect Dark(thx @プロメテウス). I have downloaded all of the rest and transferred it to my external HDD before that, but now it's having connectivity problems as I observed the error.
I'm using YouTube as an alternative for uploading these cuts. WebMs/MP4s aren't currently available because otherwise I have to cram in as much effort as possible in order to have each scene split/divided into individual cuts off from an finished product(in this case, episodes 25 and 26). Just don't expect any description for these videos.
Also don't need another outdated pool to see the designs and concepts, I've saved up to 11 imgur links(2 for storyboards and 9 concept/design compilations out of a total 10 volumes, PM me if you want me to provide links for you) for these so feel free to upload these extras from Vol.10 on imgur if you have them.

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Uploaded Cuts:
AnonBaiter said:
Also the genga pool for this one is outdated as hell. These sequences from Vol.9(22, 23, 24) has already been uploaded, yet the pool creator never cared to edit the pool to insert them. It's both disappointing and infuriating.
That's not true. The pool was updated 27 days ago with genga sequences from Vol.9.
liborek3 said:
That's not true. The pool was updated 27 days ago with genga sequences from Vol.9.
Call me stupid, but I can't believe I was being tricked just because I didn't recognize all the cuts from Vol.9. And yes, I did look at that earlier. Just don't ask.