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For all the flashy effects, which are insanity in their own rights, Nakamura still does the most incredible body mechanics. Look at Deku like mannnnn...
MagnusArtifex said:
For all the flashy effects, which are insanity in their own rights, Nakamura still does the most incredible body mechanics. Look at Deku like mannnnn...
And then awkwardly change to this 0:25
Wouldn't this be the best example of yutapon cubes?
MagnusArtifex said:
For all the flashy effects, which are insanity in their own rights, Nakamura still does the most incredible body mechanics. Look at Deku like mannnnn...
This is really why hes regarded so highly by a wide amount of animators. His ideas and direction are already in a league of their own, but his work with just solid character animation and movement for 20+ years before he even started doing crazy FX work is what cements his skill ceiling. And why its so hard for other imitators to actually reach his level.