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I never said this scene was Omori. He’s the mecha sakkan but that doesn’t mean he specifically did key animation for this scene. I think it would be better to give him a “presumed” tag at best.
Coneanne said:
I never said this scene was Omori. He’s the mecha sakkan but that doesn’t mean he specifically did key animation for this scene. I think it would be better to give him a “presumed” tag at best.
Apologies for that, I misunderstood what you were referring to.
“ ここに収録した最終回のオリジナルオ ージェの原画は、演出の杉島邦久氏の要請 を受け、「エルガイム」 の同じく演出だった 今川泰宏氏がイメージ・ラフを作り、 ピーボォーの大森英敏氏が原画化したものだ。 真のヘビーメタルの発動を手中にせんと する若手 「エルガイム」 スタッフの入魂の イメージ。 この描き込みを見よ!”

Proper confirmation for Omori. Seemingly based on roughs Yasuhiro Imagawa did.