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In the past it's been established that anamorphic uploads are fine. Has the policy changed? If not, please restore the post.
It is presumed that Kenichi Shimizu did.
Kenichi Shimizu is Kanada style animator who formerly worked at Tsuchida Production&Studio COMET.
Director "Kenichi Shimizu" (The director of "Parasyte: The Maxim") is different person of the same name.
Takashi Hashimoto presumed that this scene has been drawing by Ryuichi Makino. However, There is a negative opinion against it among Japanese sakuga fandoms.
kiyotaka_chang said:
It is presumed that Kenichi Shimizu did.
Kenichi Shimizu is Kanada style animator who formerly worked at Tsuchida Production&Studio COMET.
Director "Kenichi Shimizu" (The director of "Parasyte: The Maxim") is different person of the same name.
Takashi Hashimoto presumed that this scene has been drawing by Ryuichi Makino. However, There is a negative opinion against it among Japanese sakuga fandoms.
Someone at 2ch said similar thing too (the scene was done by Kenichi Shimizu).
Don't know about what Takashi Hashimoto said though. Got any link to his tweet ?
橋本 あります、あります。牧野(竜一)君のやった遊園地の回(第67話Bパート「度胸だめしで男の証明」)とか。突然、凄い金田モドキの回があるんですよ。みんなで遊園地に行くんですけど、ジェットコースターの背動があったりとか。宇宙船みたいなアトラクションに乗ると、急に金田タッチで惑星の表面をビューッと飛んだりとか(笑)。
小黒 ほうほう。
橋本 それは牧野君が描いたんだと思うんですけど、本人は否定するんですよ。「俺はそんな仕事はしてない」って。でも名前は載ってるし、画にも彼みたいな癖があるので、私は牧野君の仕事だと思ってるんですけどね。
Takashi Hashimoto said"His name(Ryuichi Makino) is credited." but he's not credited.